Friday, September 23, 2011

Quality Fly Fishing at Lasakoski

Fishing pressure has been low because of the low profile we have chosen to keep this year. Hot weather, which we have faced often recently, has also taken the faith of fishermen to believe trout to take and therefore decreased their fishing enthusiasm. No doubt that fishing has been challenging, but despite of that the catches have been reasonable. Bigger trout have been on the lam, like also in other places in Southern Finland rapids where they follow no stoking policy. Despite of water temperature around 23 oC in Mid Summer time some fishermen have chought trout.
I have heard a rumor that fishermen believe that the booking list of Lasakoski has been full. Well, we have had plenty of vacancy.

Nice 61 cm female cought with Hydrolarva

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tagging Lasakoski Brown Trout

Temp. 15,0 oC
Flow 10,0 m3/s

Electro fishing at Mill Brook

The state of Lasakoski trout population is followed regularly. We are mainly searching for juveniles, not more than one year old. Those juveniles are in lenght of 8 - 12 cm. We are recording the number of those. So tiny are those in the first steps of their life. So tiny that its impossible to tag them without causing serious injuries. I really hope that these trout survive at least once for spawning. I means 3-5 years challenging life 

Tagging 2 years old trout

We catch also bigger trout with electric fishing. We tag them all. The tag is punctured carefully in the fish back through the dorsal fin bones so that the number label is left hanging besides of the fin. Tagging doesn't harm the fish greatly but the information from label returning tell a lot about lake migration and growing speed of trout.
We catch other species too with electricity. Mainly Roach but among them Stone Loaches and Sculpins. Here the number of Sculpins can tell roughly about the condition of trout population. Moore of Sculpins and Stone Loaches mean more trout.

Stone Loach, the delicacy of trout

Friday, September 9, 2011

Renovation toughts

Like always it tends to be so that excavator lives its maks on the river bed. Nature repairs slowly the scars of renovation but that's not quick enough. There is a need for human hands to speed up the process. What is needed is adding wegetation on banks and adding spawning gravel areas with bee working. There should be some person who takes this "nobody's work" to look after. Small operations like stabilizing loose rocks or cleaning up the rubbish carried by the current, righ way, will create convinient surrounding for trout and pleasant for human eyes to look at.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Renovation of Lasakoski

Läsäkoski was renovated in three separate steps in 2004 - 2009. Renovation, especially this fierce, leaves marks which are shoking to look at. But the nature tends to fix the marks made by human hands. The nature of these renovations is restoring in type and the target is to get back diversity of the nature rapids. If this goes right it would bring better possibility for lake migrating brown trout to reproduce in Läsäkoski rapid.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lasakoski beautiful and interesting

I couldn't imagine any other trout stream pleasing my eyes moore. Narrow stretches, speeding  up every now and then, joining again into bigger pools. Then the current speeds again up on next neck where grey stones split the current again. Surging water absorb fresh oxygen just right for big trout to lie even during hot summer days. Plenty of roomy potholes and tense vegetation growing on the banks give good shelter for these big predators.

Main channel above Mill Bridge

North channel

South channel